SPR reaches new depths - BioOptics World
Article published in BioOptics World journal at 2008 [link]
Article published in BioOptics World journal at 2008 [link]
Cell morphology is often used as a valuable indicator of the physical condition and general status of living cells. We develop a noninvasive method for morphological characterization of adherent cells. The method based on infrared surface plasmon spectroscopy (IR-SPR). Go to Yashunsky Lab site to see my current research (https://sites.google.com/view/yashunsky).
Quantitative surface plasmon spectroscopy: Determination of the infrared optical constants of living cells
Alexander Zilbershtein, Michael Golosovsky, Vladislav Lirtsman, Benjamin Aroeti, Dan Davidov, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 61, July 2012, Pages 43-49, ISSN 0924-2031, 10.1016/j.vibspec.2012.01.019.
Midinfrared surface-plasmon resonance: A novel biophysical tool for studying living cells
M. Golosovsky, V. Lirtsman, V. Yashunsky, D. Davidov, and B. Aroeti, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 102036 (2009), DOI:10.1063/1.3116143