Publications since 2011 [at Google Scholar]
1. Zilbershtein A, Bein A, Lirtsman V, Schwartz B, Golosovsky M, and Davidov D. (2014) Surface plasmon resonance–based infrared biosensor for cell studies with simultaneous control. Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(11), 111608-111608. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048454.
2. Yashunsky V, Kharilker L, Zlotkin-Rivkin E, Rund D, Melamed-Book N, Zahavi EE, Perlson E, Mercone S, Golosovsky M, Davidov D, Aroeti B. (2012) Real-time sensing of enteropathogenic E. coli-induced effects on epithelial host cell height, cell-substrate interactions, and endocytic processes by infrared surface plasmon spectroscopy. PLoS ONE 8(10):e78431.
3. Yashunsky V, Marciano T, Lirtsman V, Golosovsky M, Davidov D, Aroeti B, (2012) Real-Time Sensing of Cell Morphology by Infrared Waveguide Spectroscopy. PLoS ONE 7(10): e48454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048454.
4. Zilbershtein A, Golosovsky M, Lirtsman V, Aroeti B, Davidov D (2012) Quantitative surface plasmon spectroscopy: Determination of the infrared optical constants of living cells. Vibrational Spectroscopy 61: 43-49.
5. Yashunsky V, Lirtsman V, Zilbershtein A, Bein A, Schwartz B, et al. (2012) Surface plasmon-based infrared spectroscopy for cell biosensing. Journal of Biomedical Optics 17: 081409.
6.Yashunsky V, Zilberstein A, Marciano T, Lirtsman V, Golosovsky M, et al. (2012) Infrared surface plasmon spectroscopy and biosensing. Proc. SPIE 8234, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IX, 823419; doi:10.1117/12.907255
7. Yashunsky V, Zilberstein A, Marciano T, Lirtsman V, Golosovsky M, et al. (2011) Plasmons: Structure, Properties and Applications. Turunen A, Niemi J, editors. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
8. Yashunsky V, Zilberstein A, Marciano T, Lirtsman V, Golosovsky M, et al. (2010) Infrared Surface Plasmon Spectroscopy of Living Cells. AIP Conf. Proc. 1281, pp. 1617-1621; doi:
9. Yashunsky V, Lirtsman V, Golosovsky M, Davidov D, Aroeti B (2010) Real-time monitoring of epithelial cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions by infrared surface plasmon spectroscopy. Biophys J 99: 4028-4036.
10. Golosovsky M, Yashunsky V, Zilberstein A, Marciano T, Lirtsman V, et al. (2010) Plasmons: Theory and Applications. Helsey KN, editor. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. 478 p.
11. Yashunsky V, Shimron S, Lirtsman V, Weiss AM, Melamed-Book N, et al. (2009) Real-Time Monitoring of Transferrin-Induced Endocytic Vesicle Formation by Mid-Infrared Surface Plasmon Resonance. Biophysical Journal 97: 1003-1012.
12. Golosovsky M, Lirtsman V, Yashunsky V, Davidov D, Aroeti B (2009) Midinfrared surface-plasmon resonance: A novel biophysical tool for studying living cells. Journal of Applied Physics 105: 1020-1021.
13. Lirtsman V, Golosovsky M, Davidov D (2008) Infrared surface plasmon resonance technique for biological studies. Journal of Applied Physics 103: 014702.
14. Ziblat R, Lirtsman V, Davidov D, Aroeti B (2006) Infrared surface plasmon resonance: a novel tool for real time sensing of variations in living cells. Biophys J 91: 776-776 .
1. The 2nd Conference of the Israel Society for Biotechnology Engineering (ISBE), Tel-Aviv, Dec. 2013 [program]
2. Biophysical Society 8th Annual Meeting Feb. 2014 (San Francisco, California)
3. 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics MediNano-6 conference,Oct. 2013, Lyon, France [program and abstracts]
4. 1st International Biophotonics Meeting in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Dec. 2012 [program]
5. Label-Free Technologies: Advances and Applications 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
6. Photonics West 2012, San Francisco, California, United States.
7. 2nd International Bio-sensing Technology conference 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
8. Federation of the Israel Societies for Experimental Biology (ILANIT) Conference 2011, Eilat, Israel.
9. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, Rhodes, Greece.
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